CBD Oil The Dawning of a New Age in Nutritional Therapy
The other day a mother came into the store and asked for another bottle of CBD oil for her autistic son. I asked her how that was working...

Serotonin and Dopamine, Technically the Only Two Things You Enjoy. Genomix Nutrition and Brain Chem
Have you ever noticed that some folks go through life and no matter what comes up they just glide right through it, while others react to...

Losing Hair????
A client of mine said to me that she thought only males go bald, she’s a female but she is losing her hair. I know we are used to seeing...

Chapped Lips Aren’t Always What They Seem
A customer came into the store the other day with his 9 year old son. The boy appeared to have very chapped lips that spread to the...

Acetyl What?
Acetyl l’carnitine! If you have been following my blog so far we are talking about Neurobiologix exciting new product MitoCell. Just to...